This another statement(s) that we completely misunderstand. 1 corinthians 15 was apologetics for the resurrection of Christ. The verse 30-32 is basically just Paul asserting that he faces death and suffering for preaching the resurrection. So should the resurrection be untrue, then why was he wasting his life? Why should He die daily, if the message was a lie? So again it has nothing to do with putting sin to death daily or your flesh to death daily, Christ already put your flesh to death on the cross. You are dead to sin and alive to Christ (Romans 6:2). Sin has no power over you anymore, so you don’t kill it everyday (Romans 6:24).

To make thing even clearer, Paul states in Romans 8:36″ As it is written: ‘For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter”.

So how does this relate to carrying your cross? (Luke 9:23). First of all context is so important. The mentioning of a cross by a Rabbi would have shocked any first century Jew, it was a torture device brought in by the Romans to destroy those who spoke against the empire, plus if you go Deuteronomy only Criminal died on the cross and were curse. So why does the Son of God have any dealing with such a murderous device? a public humiliation that always brought about death?

Essentially what Christ is saying is that this Reconciliation message is worth dying for.

Christ and Paul is reminding the church that they face the possibility of death every time they strode into a new environment and proclaimed Christ (Acts 17:2-5, Acts 18:4). Paul even goes on to list some dangers of he has faced and even threats of being killed, yet he remained steadfast to the gospel.

Galatians 2:20 and Colossians 3:3-5 makes it very clear that Christ has dealt with sin and we are now hidden in Him. Peter in 1 Peter 2:24, say we are dead to sin and live to righteousness and we are healed. So many passages in the bible talks about how we are cleansed from all unrighteousness and how Christ is righteousness and Justification. So How can we still be dying to sin, when it is not even our Job to do that? It is Christs’ and He has done it once and for all “For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.” You are perfect and blameless before God (Philippians 2:15)….

So what it mean today for us as Christians, the truth is we are not persecuted like the saints of `Old. However it does mean that we should be committed and sold out to preaching the reconciliation message of Christ. it means doing what we can to help put the world back together no matter how tasking and difficult or uncomfortable it can be…..This comes first, that is how to live, sometime we die daily and sometimes we don’t. The message of reconciliation should never leave our lips regardless.

And finally “The moment you believed in Jesus’ finished works, you did all the “denying yourself” “dying daily” “putting on your armour of God” and “picking up your cross” necessary. You have eternal life right now because you’ve received the Spirit of eternal life itself — Jesus.”- Bishop Billz puts the nail on the head.. life isn’t a daily battle of carrying the cross, it’s not your burden to carry and neither is it your job to die daily for your sins, it’s Christ Job and they are finished works…


God still speaks